Showing posts with label lainnya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lainnya. Show all posts


How to become an internet marketeer

Take 5 digital marketing careers News flash! My presentations have now gone past 3000 views!

Forget that content crown! How many hats do you wear?

If 2012 marketing conferences were all about proclaiming that CONTENT is KING, 2013 has been spent (so far) discussing MOBILE MARKETING. ...

SEO is like the Phoenix

Phoenix-Fabelwesen I have been busy writing other people's blogs, websites and so on, so I have neglected my own (website and blog)...

Social media management: worth it?

Preston, Creative Commons I currently do social media management for two Twitter accounts plus tending to my own . There is nothing ...

LinkedIn versus SlideShare

Credit: Pudding4Brain and Canva I have been experimenting publishing articles on LinkedIn . Enjoy it! I will update you on how it h...

Blogging for fun, fundraising and profit

It has been a busy end of 2014 and start of 2015. I have barely switched off my computer for a few hours, even during the Christmas holidays...

There is no God (in) digital marketing

I once joked that this blog is a Godin-free zone , a British kind of joke I got from a plaque at Porter's Pie restaurant in London...